

Cotton is generally grown in in hot and dry climate in Pakistan and therefore, additional irrigation is for profitable cotton production. Properly managed irrigation can protect the yield of cotton. Improving irrigation management has become a critical factor in cotton production in Pakistan. As the duration of irrigation increases, the water stress turns into physiological changes in the form of wilted leaves. If the farmer waits for the point or sign of wilting in the field as an indicator to irrigate, the yield is already compromised.

Irrigation delivery methods have improved over the last few years in Pakistan and new technologies are available for targeted irrigation scheduling that allow the farmers to control the amount and duration of irrigation.

Total water requirement for acceptable yield is 25 Acre Inch or 600-800 mm. Most critical stages for irrigation are sympodial branch development, early flowering first boll opening.

For drill sowing in lines First irrigation is done 30-35 days after sowing and subsequent irrigations at 12-15 days intervals

For bed sowing First irrigation 3-4 days after sowing, 2nd irrigation 6-9 days interval and subsequent irrigations at 15 days interval.

Irrigation cut off data is mid-October for what crop land preparation and sowing.



505 Cole Stream Ct, Cary NC 27513


Phone: +1 984-209-0478


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